Friday, April 15, 2011

You do know you are being judged by your drink...

I have had this discussion on many occasions.  People judge you.  Some people judge you by your shoes, your hair, the color of your jeans and your watch.  Frankly, I think the only indicator of class is if you still own a pair of jean shorts, if you do, you need to be judged.

However, at a bar, I don't think we are aware at the judgement that is being passed with every drink order.  Most mixed drinks are sending mixed signals to those around you.  Here are a couple of things people have said to me over the years:
  • "If you are ordering a Long Island Ice Tea, you have no class or imagination."
  • "That pink drink makes me suspicious."
  • "If you order Scotch on the rocks you are a drunk."
  • "Margaritas outside of Mexican restaurants show no imagination."
I, for one, think that you should drink what you like - responsibly - and ignore what the other person is drinking.  Having said that, I have some judgments of my own to pass down.  I do think you can tell something about a woman by what she orders, more to come on that subject.  So here are my judgments:
  • Bartenders:  "If you don't know who to make a drink, just say so and deliver what you do.  I ordered a mixed drink at an Irish bar and basically got a 12 ounce glass of Tequila with a lime.  It made of a good joke among friends but it was terrible."
  • Ladies:  "If you keep judging me by my drinks, I am going to comment on your bad taste in perfume and shoes.  Trust me, I know a good pair of shoes because I buy good pairs of shoes...Payless...pfft!"
  • Gentlemen:  "Don't be afraid to order something you like, forget your buddies.  Also, explore...if you order one more Stella I am going to tell everyone how hairy your back really is."
  • All:  "Show some appreciation for a good drink, budget to tip well when you are drinking well.  It is simply a sign of class and good manners."

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